The Reconciliatory Philosophy of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, a great spiritual master, presented to the world his reconciliatory philosophy that comprehensively reconciled the seemingly contradictory views contained within the various philosophies of the world. He validated the philosophies and doctrines propounded by the earlier Saints, establishing God-realization as the simplest and easiest path to follow in this age of Kali for the benefit of all humankind. This article will explore the reconciliatory philosophy of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj.

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His views and philosophies 

The great Spiritual Master who comprehensively reconciled seemingly contradictory views contained within the various philosophies of the world. While validating the philosophies and doctrines propounded by the earlier Saints, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj presented to the world his reconciliatory philosophy which is bhakti oriented, known today as Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan. He comprehensively reconciled the apparent contradictory philosophies enunciated within the Vedas, Shastras, Puranas and many other scriptures to establish God-realisation as the simplest and easiest path to follow in this Age of Kall for the benefit of all humankind. This attribute of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s personality was first revealed to the world at large in 1955 when he hosted an all India conference on bhaktiyoga philosophy in Chitrakoot, Akhil Bharatvarshiya Bhaktiyoga-Darshanik Sammelan.

Being summoned unexpectedly to speak Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj reconciled the twelve schools of philosophical thought. A large number of learned scholars and other people present acknowledged wholeheartedly that there was no one else who could rival him in reconciling the contradictory principles given in all the Vedas and Shastras. During the Kanpur Sammelan the following year he reconciled the paths of materialism and spiritualism.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj RECONCILED:

  1. The contradictions found in the Vedas, Shastras, Puranas and various other scriptures regarding the opinions of the aspects of God.

  2. The interrelationship between karma, jnana and upasana and proved that upasana or devotion is the supreme path to be followed in this age.

  3. How God can be described as niraguna (without attributes) and nirakara (without form), as well as saguna (with attributes) and sakara (with form), along with the principles propounded by different commentators in relation to them.

  4. How some of the Shastras pertaining to the Mimansa School of philosophy are described as atheistic, revealing their position among the Shastras and how and to what extent they are useful in the pursuit of supreme bliss.

  5. The diverse interpretations of the Brahma Sutra, the Gita, and other scriptural texts based on the commentaries by the Saints following a particular school of thought, i.e. Vishishtadvaita (Qualified Monoism), Dvaitadvaita (Dualism-Monoism) and Vishuddhadvaita (Absolute Monoism), etc.

  6. How Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are God and showed the path to attain God, and how much and what kind of relationship with the shatdarshanas is essential in this regard.

  7. How bhaktiyoga is useful and distinct from the other paths.

  8. The usefulness of bhaktiyoga with regard to the Vedic principles in attaining Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, and how much and in what way it is related to the shatdarshanas.

  9. The philosophies of the four previous Jagadgurus.

  10. The philosophies and writings of the Rasika Saints, including Shri Vallabhacharya and Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

  11. All the religions of the world to show the true universality of Sanatana Dharma, the true eternal Vedic religion.

In his literary works, discourses and devotional compositions throughout his life, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj revealed logical solutions to all the mutually contradictory scriptural principles that had baffled scholars previously. For example:

  1. Every individual soul is naturally a believer in God. An Individual soul can never become a believer even after countless endeavours for ages.

  2. God is incomprehensible to the senses, mind, and intellect. God can be comprehended by the senses. Mind and intellect.

  3.  God is without form and attributes. God is with form and attributes.

  4. God is the doer. God is a non-doer.

  5. God can be attained by His grace alone. God can only be attained through personal endeavours.

  6. Karma is condemnable. Karma is recommendable.

  7. Jnana is condemnable. Jnana is recommendable.

  8. Bhakti is the means. Bhakti is the end.

  9. A true Saint can come under the bondage of maya.

  10. True Saint is eternally free from the bondage of maya.

  11. One cannot experience the taste of sweetness eating salt with the feeling it is sugar, while one attains the result of God worshiping a Deity with the feeling it is God.

  12. One attains everything by doing nothing. One attains nothing by doing everything.

In this way, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj repeatedly demonstrated himself to be the Supreme Spiritual Master of his time, and the only one capable of revealing, substantiating, and elaborating on essential and true Vedic principles for the benefit of all humankind, who then could enjoy everlasting peace, love, and happiness.


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